The Lucy Family Institute offers a wide variety of free trainings, workshops, and guest lectures to Notre Dame faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students which cover programming techniques and methods ranging from basic to advanced levels.
- Introduction to R
- Advanced R
- Introduction to Stata
- Introduction to Tidyverse in R
- Data Visualization in R
- Linear Regression Modelling in R
- Generalized Linear Regression Modeling in R
- Machine Learning for Social Science
- Quantitative Text Analysis in R
To learn more about trainings scheduled throughout the semester, please visit the events page.
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Volunteer Info Session: Teach Python to High School Students!
Volunteer Info Session: Teach Python to High School Students!
Lucy Graduate Scholars: Info Session
Lucy Graduate Scholars: Info Session
Invited Speaker: Jonathan Stray, senior scientist for the Center for Human Compatible AI, UC Berkeley
Invited Speaker: Jonathan Stray, senior scientist for the Center for Human Compatible AI, UC Berkeley
Lucy Graduate Scholars: Info Session
Lucy Graduate Scholars: Info SessionFor guest lecture and additional training inquiries, please contact the Lucy Family team.