The CSSR offers training workshops and a help desk available to anyone at Notre Dame needing assistance with quantitative and computational social science.
Training Workshops
One- to two-hour training workshops are offered each semester. Recent workshop topics include R, Python, Tidyverse, Generalized Linear Models, Machine Learning, Item Response Theory, Webscraping with Python, R Shiny, Time Series Analysis, GIS, and Social Network Analysis. For more information, please visit the Lucy Institute’s events page.
Help Desk
The CSSR help desk is available to all members of the Notre Dame community seeking assistance with computational and quantitative social science research. This includes undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and researchers seeking quick solutions to problems.
Help desk consultants provide assistance with navigating statistical software (specifically, R, Python, and Stata), research design and planning, data management, statistical analysis, data visualization, and data science applications. Consultations are free, by appointment only, and are typically scheduled for one hour. Please fill out this service form to initiate a request for consultation or email cssr@nd.edu.